North Sydney Family Mediation

The Family Dispute Resolution Specialists

At North Sydney Family Mediation, we understand that navigating through family issues can be challenging and sensitive. Our specialised family mediation services are designed to help families find amicable and lasting solutions in a neutral and supportive environment.

Whether you're facing divorce or co-parenting challenges, or want to improve your communication with your partner, North Sydney Family Mediation is here to help. Take the first step towards resolution and peace of mind by scheduling a consultation with our specialised family mediators.

Let us guide you towards a brighter future for your family.

Why choose us?

Experienced Accredited Mediators

Our experienced accredited mediators are dedicated to bringing their expertise to your individual situation providing neutral and professional mediation services.

With years of practical experience with hundreds of families and specialized training, our mediators possess a deep understanding of family dynamics and conflict resolution techniques. Whether it's facilitating discussions about parenting arrangements, many of the challenges co-parents face, property division, or financial matters, our mediators are equipped to guide families towards mutually beneficial solutions.

Accredited with the Attorney General Department and Nationally Accredited Mediators, we are skilled in communication and conflict resolution and can help make a difference in long term co-parenting.

Individualised Care

Your mediator will work with you from start to finish. We take on a limited number of cases at any time so you can rely on individualised attention throughout the process without accruing unexpected costs.

We recognise that each parent has a unique story needing a tailored approach to best serve the specific needs and dynamics of those involved.

Whatever your situation, we support parents to be be heard and understood while providing a safe container for communication.

We take the time to help you prepare you for the mediation for the best outcome.

We provide referrals for the support you need to have the best outcome for you and your children.

Supporting separated parents with ongoing communication

Supporting separated parents with ongoing communication is crucial in fostering a healthy co-parenting relationship and providing stability for their children.

At North Sydney Family Mediation, we understand the challenges that separated parents face when navigating this new dynamic. Our experienced mediators work with parents to establish effective communication strategies, set boundaries, and manage conflicts constructively. By promoting skilful and respectful dialogue, we help parents prioritize their children's well-being and create a cooperative co-parenting environment. We aim to empower separated parents to work together harmoniously and make decisions in the best interests of their children.