Family Dispute Resolution

Family dispute resolution is a business-like supported conversation between separated parents.

Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is a specialised form of mediation in which separated parents are supported to communicate with one another about what is important for them and their children and work out their parenting and property arrangements.

The law requires families affected by separation, who have a dispute about the care of children, to make a genuine effort to try to sort it out through Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) before filing an application for parenting orders in court.

  • When you contact us we will book an initial free phone call to answer any questions and for the mediator to start to assess if mediation might be suitable.

    With your permission the mediator then invites the other parent.

    The invite stage may take up to 3 weeks depending on the response.

    Both parents then have an individual session with the mediator which usually goes for 1 and a half hours.

    This may involve questionnaires that parents fill out prior to their session to maximise the time with the mediator.

    Parents are given instructions on how to best prepare for the mediation.

  • This is the time parents come together to communicate. With the support and expertise of the mediator/s, parents are guided through the mediation process in either face to face or in a shuttle style mediation.

    Both parents are given the space to communicate about the chosen topics and the mediator supports both parents to feel heard and understood.

    The outcome is documented by the mediator. No-one is forced to make an agreement they are not ok with.

  • We document the outcome of the mediation which could be a full or partial parenting agreement, property agreement or the next steps that both parents have agreed.

    This document can then be lodged with the courts for consent orders if both parents agree and after getting independent legal advice.